Duration – 30 Working Days

Includes: Internship Practical, Certificate & Report

Week 1: Foundation of Leadership

Day 1: Orientation & Program Introduction

  • Introduction to the organization
  • Overview of leadership principles
  • Leadership expectations and goals

Day 2: Self-Awareness & Emotional Intelligence (EI)

  • Importance of self-awareness in leadership
  • Introduction to emotional intelligence
  • Assessing personal leadership style

Day 3: Building Confidence & Personal Leadership

  • Developing confidence as a leader
  • Exploring personal leadership strengths and areas of improvement
  • Goal setting for the internship

Day 4: Effective Communication & Active Listening

  • Understanding the role of communication in leadership
  • Techniques for active listening and providing feedback
  • Developing clarity in speech and writing

Day 5: Decision-Making & Problem Solving

  • Fundamentals of decision-making in leadership
  • Problem-solving frameworks (e.g., SWOT analysis)
  • Practical case studies and role plays

Week 2: Strategic Leadership and Team Dynamics

Day 6: Visionary Leadership & Setting a Direction

  • How leaders create and communicate a vision
  • Crafting a personal leadership vision statement

Day 7: Building and Leading High-Performing Teams

  • Understanding team dynamics and roles
  • Effective team-building strategies
  • Case study on successful teams

Day 8: Conflict Resolution & Difficult Conversations

  • Conflict resolution techniques
  • Managing difficult conversations within teams
  • Role play on conflict scenarios

Day 9: Delegation & Time Management

  • The art of delegation for leaders
  • Prioritizing tasks and time management tools
  • Practical exercises on effective delegation

Day 10: Motivation & Employee Engagement

  • Theories of motivation in leadership (e.g., Maslow, Herzberg)
  • Building and maintaining employee engagement
  • Leadership role in fostering motivation

Week 3: Developing Strategic Business Acumen

Day 11: Introduction to Business Strategy

  • Understanding business strategy and its importance in leadership
  • Analyzing company strategies

Day 12: Change Management & Leadership

  • Understanding change management processes
  • Leading teams through organizational change

Day 13: Decision-Making in Uncertainty

  • Decision-making in complex environments
  • Practical exercises on decision-making under pressure

Day 14: Leadership and Financial Acumen

  • Basics of financial literacy for leaders
  • Understanding P&L, balance sheets, and financial decision-making

Day 15: Cross-functional Leadership

  • Leading across different functions (HR, Marketing, Operations)
  • Case studies on cross-functional leadership

Week 4: Advanced Leadership & Personal Development

Day 16: Ethics & Values-Based Leadership

  • The importance of ethics in leadership
  • Creating a values-driven leadership approach

Day 17: Building a Leadership Brand

  • Personal branding for leaders
  • Developing your unique leadership identity

Day 18: Innovation & Creativity in Leadership

  • Encouraging innovation within teams
  • Leading creative brainstorming sessions

Day 19: Diversity & Inclusive Leadership

  • Understanding the role of diversity in leadership
  • Fostering an inclusive workplace culture

Day 20: Resilience & Managing Leadership Stress

  • Techniques for building resilience in leadership roles
  • Managing stress and avoiding burnout

Week 5: Real-world Application and Feedback

Day 21: Mentorship & Coaching as a Leader

  • The importance of mentorship in leadership
  • Developing coaching skills for team growth

Day 22: Networking & Relationship Building

  • Building a professional network as a leader
  • Techniques for maintaining meaningful connections

Day 23: Leadership in Crisis Management

  • Leading through crises and uncertainty
  • Case studies on crisis leadership

Day 24: Performance Management & Leadership Feedback

  • Giving and receiving feedback effectively
  • Managing team performance and improvement

Day 25: Leading Organizational Culture

  • The leader’s role in shaping and maintaining culture
  • Best practices for cultivating a strong organizational culture

Week 6: Project Work & Wrap-up

Day 26: Internship Project Work – Strategic Leadership Project (Part 1)

  • Working on a strategic leadership project assigned by the organization
  • Guidance and mentorship on the project

Day 27: Internship Project Work – Strategic Leadership Project (Part 2)

  • Continuing project work, collecting data, and preparing insights

Day 28: Presenting the Leadership Project

  • Presentation of leadership project findings to senior management
  • Peer feedback and self-assessment

Day 29: Leadership Lessons from Executives

  • Guest sessions with senior executives discussing leadership lessons
  • Q&A and interactive discussions

Day 30: Reflection, Feedback & Program Conclusion

  • Reflection on personal leadership growth during the internship
  • Program feedback and certificate distribution
  • Final leadership takeaway messages

This 30-day internship provides a comprehensive, hands-on experience in leadership development, combining theoretical insights, practical applications, and real-world challenges.

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