Duration: 30 Working Days

Includes: Practical Sessions, Live Projects, Certificate and Report

Week 1: Introduction to Full Stack Development

Day 1: Program Orientation & Introduction to Full Stack Development

  • Overview of full stack development (front-end, back-end, databases)
  • Understanding the responsibilities of a full stack developer
  • Setting up the development environment (code editors, Git, etc.)

Day 2: HTML & CSS Fundamentals

  • Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3
  • Structuring web pages using semantic HTML
  • Styling pages using CSS (Box model, Flexbox, Grid)
  • Practical exercise: Build a simple static webpage

Day 3: Responsive Web Design

  • Importance of responsive design in web development
  • Media queries, flexible layouts, and grid systems
  • Using frameworks like Bootstrap for rapid development
  • Practical exercise: Convert static webpage to a responsive design

Day 4: JavaScript Basics

  • Introduction to JavaScript: variables, data types, functions, and loops
  • DOM manipulation and event handling
  • Basic programming concepts for front-end interactivity
  • Practical exercise: Adding interactivity to a web page (buttons, forms)

Day 5: Version Control with Git and GitHub

  • Introduction to Git for version control
  • Basic Git commands (clone, commit, push, pull)
  • Collaborating on projects using GitHub repositories
  • Practical exercise: Set up a GitHub repo and push a project

Week 2: Advanced Front-End Development

Day 6: Advanced JavaScript & ES6+ Features

  • Modern JavaScript features: Arrow functions, promises, async/await
  • Understanding JavaScript modules and imports
  • Using Fetch API for HTTP requests
  • Practical exercise: Build a simple app that fetches data from an API

Day 7: JavaScript Frameworks: Introduction to React.js

  • Introduction to React and the concept of component-based architecture
  • JSX, props, and state management in React
  • Setting up a basic React project using Create React App (CRA)
  • Practical exercise: Build a small app using React components

Day 8: React Routing and State Management

  • Implementing routing in React using React Router
  • Introduction to state management with Redux or Context API
  • Practical exercise: Add navigation and state management to the React app

Day 9: Front-End Build Tools: Webpack & Babel

  • Introduction to Webpack and Babel for bundling and transpiling code
  • Setting up a custom build pipeline for front-end projects
  • Practical exercise: Configure Webpack and Babel for a React project

Day 10: CSS Preprocessors and Frameworks

  • Introduction to SASS/SCSS for enhanced styling capabilities
  • Understanding CSS frameworks (Tailwind CSS, Material UI, Bootstrap)
  • Practical exercise: Use a CSS preprocessor and framework in a project

Week 3: Back-End Development

Day 11: Introduction to Back-End Development

  • Overview of server-side programming
  • Introduction to Node.js and the JavaScript runtime environment
  • Setting up a basic server with Express.js
  • Practical exercise: Build a simple REST API with Node.js and Express.js

Day 12: Database Fundamentals: SQL vs NoSQL

  • Overview of relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) databases
  • Introduction to MySQL/PostgreSQL and MongoDB
  • Practical exercise: Set up a MySQL or MongoDB database and connect it to the back-end

Day 13: CRUD Operations in Back-End Development

  • Implementing Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations in Node.js
  • Working with MongoDB or MySQL for database interactions
  • Practical exercise: Build an API for CRUD operations with a database

Day 14: Authentication and Authorization

  • Overview of user authentication methods (JWT, OAuth)
  • Implementing user registration and login functionality
  • Practical exercise: Build a login system using JWT for token-based authentication

Day 15: Handling APIs and RESTful Services

  • Building and consuming RESTful APIs
  • Working with external APIs (fetching and posting data)
  • Practical exercise: Create and integrate an external API into your project

Week 4: Full Stack Integration

Day 16: Connecting Front-End with Back-End

  • Making HTTP requests from the front-end to the back-end (using Axios or Fetch)
  • Integrating the React front-end with Node.js back-end services
  • Practical exercise: Connect the front-end React app with the back-end API

Day 17: Error Handling and Debugging

  • Techniques for error handling in both front-end and back-end
  • Debugging tools (browser dev tools, Node.js debugger, etc.)
  • Practical exercise: Debug and handle errors in a full stack project

Day 18: Security Best Practices in Full Stack Development

  • Introduction to web security (SSL, HTTPS, cross-site scripting (XSS), etc.)
  • Secure coding practices and preventing common security vulnerabilities
  • Practical exercise: Implement basic security features in your full stack application

Day 19: Testing Full Stack Applications

  • Introduction to testing frameworks (Jest for front-end, Mocha/Chai for back-end)
  • Unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing
  • Practical exercise: Write test cases for both front-end and back-end components

Day 20: Introduction to RESTful APIs & GraphQL

  • Overview of REST APIs and GraphQL
  • Key differences and use cases for both approaches
  • Practical exercise: Create a GraphQL API and integrate it into the app

Week 5: Advanced Full Stack Topics

Day 21: Advanced React: Hooks and Performance Optimization

  • Introduction to React Hooks (useState, useEffect, custom hooks)
  • Performance optimization techniques (memoization, lazy loading, etc.)
  • Practical exercise: Optimize the React app using Hooks and performance best practices

Day 22: Working with WebSockets for Real-Time Applications

  • Introduction to WebSockets and real-time data communication
  • Implementing real-time features like chat or notifications
  • Practical exercise: Build a real-time chat feature using WebSockets

Day 23: Cloud Deployment: AWS, Heroku, or Firebase

  • Introduction to cloud platforms for deploying full stack applications
  • Setting up cloud infrastructure on AWS, Heroku, or Firebase
  • Practical exercise: Deploy a full stack app on a cloud platform

Day 24: DevOps for Full Stack Developers

  • Introduction to DevOps tools (Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines)
  • Building and deploying containerized applications with Docker
  • Practical exercise: Create a Dockerized full stack application

Day 25: Performance Tuning and Optimization

  • Techniques for optimizing the performance of full stack applications
  • Database indexing, server load balancing, and code optimization
  • Practical exercise: Analyze and improve the performance of your full stack app

Week 6: Final Project and Wrap-Up

Day 26: Project Work – Full Stack Application Development (Part 1)

  • Begin working on a capstone full stack project
  • Define the scope and architecture (front-end, back-end, database)
  • Start developing core features for the project

Day 27: Project Work – Full Stack Application Development (Part 2)

  • Continue developing the project
  • Implement front-end and back-end functionality
  • Start integrating external services (APIs, databases)

Day 28: Project Work – Full Stack Application Development (Part 3)

  • Finalize project features and test functionality
  • Ensure security, error handling, and performance optimization

Day 29: Project Presentation and Peer Review

  • Present the final full stack application to peers or mentors
  • Peer review and feedback sessions for improvement

Day 30: Internship Wrap-Up and Reflection

  • Reflection on the internship experience and key learnings
  • Discussion on next steps for further development as a full stack developer
  • Certificate distribution and closing ceremony

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